HE-MAN Visits



Very soon : The POP section will open !!!

Le Museum Des Ombres :

Le GraySkull Museum a pour but de vous faire decouvrir toutes les cartes de la gamme de jouets "LES MAITRES DE L'UNIVERS" qui pourraient exister à travers le monde... c'est pour cette raison que nous avons essaye de part ce site de rassembler le maximum de cartes ou boites possible, que ce soit de production francaise (comme les fameux YELLOW BORDER) ou de production Argentine (comme les TOP TOYS), en passant par les cartes US ou Canadiennes. Nous tenons a remercier tous les participants qui nous ont aide a nous fournir les photos de leur jouets, afin de pouvoir grossir au maximum notre base de donnees, et faire de ce site, une veritable encyclopedie des jouets MOTU.

The Grayskull Museum :

The GraySkull Museum main goal is to make you discover all the cards of the toys line "MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE" which exist throughout the world... for this reason, we have made this site to gather the maximum of cards as possible, as well as French production (like the famous YELLOW BORDER) , Argentine production (like TOP TOYS), US and Canadian cards. We want to thank all the participants who have give us assistance and have provide photos of their toys, in order to be able to do the best data base as possible, and make of this site, the first encyclopaedia of MOTU toys.


If you see a photo on the site, whose nickname is UNKNOWN and which it acts one of your cards, thanks for letting us know it, so that we can add your nickname below.
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